Dental Care
Does your pooch have doggy breath? Perhaps your cat has tuna breath. We may laugh about our pet’s breath, but this can be an indication of a real problem. Good veterinary dentistry can help your pet live a longer, healthier life.
Falconbridge Animal Hospital recommends regular dental cleanings for all pets. In addition to observing National Pet Dental Health Month each February, we offer a discount when your pet has a preventative dental cleaning.
Our veterinarians recommend dental x-rays whenever your pet has a dental appointment. Many dental problems are hidden from view, and are only diagnosed with x-rays. Falconbridge Animal Hospital has the radiography equipment to assist in evaluating your pet’s teeth and to diagnose problems. We are able to x-ray individual teeth or perform full mouth x-rays, based on your pet’s individual needs.
Dental Cleaning
A dental cleaning is one of the most important procedures you can have done to impact the health of your pet. It is estimated that 80% of pets over the age of 2 have periodontal disease, which can lead to serious health issues. These include severe pain and discomfort, tooth decay, abscesses, and transmission of dangerous bacteria to the heart, lungs, and kidneys.
Throughout your pet’s dental, a team including one of our registered veterinary technicians and one of our veterinarians will stay with your pet. Under the veterinarian’s supervision, the technician will perform ultrasonic scaling to remove plaque and tartar. The veterinarian will then examine each tooth for disease, and check your pet’s gums and oral cavity for disease or other abnormalities. Once the cleaning is complete, your pet’s teeth will be polished.
We hospitalize your pet for the day to allow your pet sufficient time to wake from the anesthesia. Your pet’s technician or technician assistant will monitor your pet through the entire process, including recovery. This will assure a smooth and comfortable recovery for your pet.
Upon discharge, your pet’s technician will review the entire dental cleaning with you and discuss any home care that is recommended to keep your pet’s teeth clean and healthy.
Schedule Your Pet’s Dental Cleaning
If you are not sure if your pet needs a dental, schedule an appointment for one of our technicians or doctors to assess your pet’s teeth and recommend a treatment plan. If your pet is a patient of ours, there is no charge for a dental assessment! While you’re here, ask us for details on our preventative dental cleaning discount.
To Make An Appointment for a dental exam or cleaning, call us at (919) 403-5591.