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I understand that current Wellness Exams, Distemper, and Rabies vaccines are required for all pets, as well as Parvo, Bordetella (6 months), and a Fecal Flotation for dogs before admission to the facility. Flu Vaccine (H3N2) is recommended for all dogs. Pet’s not current on vaccines/testing will be updated as long as it is deemed safe and advisable by a veterinarian. I know that I am responsible for associated costs.
I certify that to the best of my knowledge my pet is free of all external parasites upon signing this release. If parasites, such as fleas or ticks, are found, I understand that my animal will be treated on admission for an additional cost.
Medication Refills – are there any medications that you would like to pick up when you return for your pet?
1401 W. NC Hwy 54,Durham, NC 27707
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